Tachodisc puts compliance on the spotTachodisc has released a new Spot Check service for smaller companies and owner-drivers who opt to manage their own compliance. The company said it launched the service in response to customers wanting reassurance they are managing their driver’s hours law analysis correctly.

“Many of our smaller companies use our self-analysis software packages for monitoring driver’s hours law and Road Transport Directive, and this enables them to do all the fundamental tasks needed to meet the legal requirements for downloading and storing all digital data in its original format and maintaining compliance,” said Angela Eardley, Tachodisc’s compliance manager.

“However, from time to time they call upon our bureau experts to check they are doing everything correctly and ask for more detailed analysis reports.” The standard Tachodisc Spot Check service covers analysis of either analogue or digital, or a mix of both types of records over a 28-day period.

“A summary of the findings from the Spot Check service would indicate if there were any issues, and it would identify any trends that could potentially jeopardise the operation should an investigation take place,” Eardley said. “This could be for a particular driver or any number of drivers, and Tachodisc would follow this up with expert advice and recommendations on how to maintain compliance.”