Volvo’s all-new Euro 6 FH rekindles trucking passion
By Steev Hayes
September last year saw the reveal of Volvo’s latest incarnation of its highly successful FH. An all-new truck, canny designers had managed to come up with a fresh, new look that also contained hints of Volvo’s heavy truck heritage. Pioneers in clever design concepts for long-haul trucks, frontal radiator grilles harked back to the days of the Middle East run, with matt black or chrome versions (chrome is reserved for the classy FH16 models) closely resembling those of the F88 and F89 – favourites among drivers travelling to ultra-long haul destinations.
Shape-wise, the new FH better resembles the old F-series trucks rather than the previous FH-series. Park one of these next to an F12, for example, and you can soon appreciate the likeness. The rake of the screen has been all but obliterated, the front taking on a much squarer appearance. That has done wonders for the interior space, opening up the standing area for the driver.

Mind the gap However, Volvo has retained the gap between the two over-screen lockers in its Globetrotter cab interior – introduced in the last FH version to try to give drivers that bit of extra space when vent – it is also an escape hatch. Now the screen is bonded to increase integrity of the cab structure, the driver must use a hammer mounted near the driver’s seat to smash his way out through the roof hatch should the vehicle be involved in a crash that jams the doors shut, or blocks them as a way of escape.
You’ll notice the ignition key is now on the dash to the left of the steering wheel, but the steering wheel/column adjustment is still made via the now familiar foot pedal – a concept being copied by some other manufacturers. The parking brake has disappeared. This is now a switch on the dash and takes a little while to become familiar with.
Read the rest of this feature in the Summer issue of Trucking. Buy the magazine here