Sureway targets diabetes

A father whose 14-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes is helping raise awareness of the condition by decorating a truck with diabetes information.

Izzy Lloyd, from Winterbourne Down, Bristol, was diagnosed with the condition in March after becoming extremely thirsty, needing to visit the toilet more often and being tired. These, along with losing weight, are the classic symptoms of Type 1 diabetes in children.

These symptoms are the focus of Diabetes UK’s 4Ts (toilet, thirsty, tired, thinner) campaign to ensure children are diagnosed more swiftly before they become seriously ill.

Izzy’s father, Rob, runs Sureway Express Transport, a haulage and transport company based in Avonmouth. He has covered a new truck with the graphics from the 4Ts campaign to help raise awareness.

Rob said Sureway had a new vehicle on order, so he decided to decorate it with the campaign. “We’ve had a really positive response to the truck, with lots of people asking about the campaign and it’s surprising how few people know about these symptoms,” he said.

“We are really pleased to be doing our bit to spread the message. There are more new vehicles planned next year and we are intending to use the 4Ts message on the rear of these as well.”

The truck, a Mercedes-Benz Actros, is now on the road travelling nationwide.