The search is on to find the best liquid fuels tanker driver of the year.

The UK and Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA) has launched its annual competition for the title. 

Specifically, the competition aims to find the tanker driver who exemplifies what is best about the industry.

 Therefore, the the judges are looking for the tanker driver who consistently upholds the high standards of the industry.

For example, this could mean helping/assisting colleagues or customers where necessary.

Or, it could be someone who has raised consumer awareness by promoting tank safety or standards.

In addition, conducting business with a high level of professionalism and demonstrating best practice will also be considered.

Ken Cronin, UKIFDA chief executive called the competion “a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the absolute best of the best”.

“When you think back to the past couple of years, we have all faced many challenges. 

“However, our UKIFDA members have continued to deliver vital fuels to homes and businesses.

 “We are excited to read about the exceptional tanker drivers, as depots nominate their impressive drivers for the award,” he added.

Recalling last year’s event, Cronin said it was difficult to pick a winner.

But, at the end of the judging, Shaun Hewitt of Watson Fuels was deemed a worthy winner. 

To enter the Driver of the Year Competition 2022, there are certain requirements.

Therefore, entrants must be a UKIFDA member and hold a clean valid driving licence. 

Meanwhile, they must also have been incident- and conviction-free for at least two years. 

Furthermore, the winner will receive the title of Driver of the Year 2022, £1,000 prize money and a certificate. 

To nominate drivers, applications can be sent to UKIFDA before 28 February 2022.

More information in the members’ area of