Hybrid Volvo beats Porsche

Swedish world recordholding truck racer Boije Ovebrink made an appearance at the ADAC Truck Grand Prix 2013 at Germany’s Nürburgring race track in July and won an acceleration race between his hybrid truck Mean Green and a Porsche sports car.

Boije Ovebrink’s Volvo hybrid truck, which boasts 2100 bhp and 7000 Nm of torque, was put to the test during a 350 m acceleration race against a 330 bhp Porsche Cayman R.

Although it started off as a neck-and-neck race, Ovebrink finally managed to cross the finishing line first after exactly 12 seconds and at a speed of 180 kmh (112 mph).

“The start was a bit slow, but after I changed to eighth gear I knew I would win,” said Ovebrink after the competition. “Winning this race in front of all my friends and fans at Nürburgring was just perfect.”

At the three-day event, which is the most important truck racing event in Germany, visitors of the Volvo Trucks stand had the chance to see the new FH model range, test the cabs and talk to experts about products and services.