Crumbling roads are costing councils millionsCouncils in the areas worst hit by the winter storms are facing an increase of vehicle compensation claims, according to campaign website

Road users are demanding remuneration for axle, wheel and suspension faults caused by pothole-ridden stretches of saturated roads. In Somerset, claims spiked at 204 in January/February from just 24 in November/December – representing a 750 per cent rise in cases. said it has spotted the same trend in some of the other regions worst hit by flooding at the start of this year. Surrey County Council reported a 353 per cent increase and admitted an “unprecedented number of claims” meant there was still a backlog waiting to go on to the system, meaning the statistics will worsen.

Worcester floods hit record levels in February, and claims to the council rose 400 per cent from 25 in November/December to 125 in January/February.

Pothole damage to vehicles in the UK creates an estimated annual repair bill of £730 million and continues to increase each year, according to research by and Warranty Direct. To help warn drivers of the dangers, said it has even designed some new signage for affected roads.

“Let’s give people a fighting chance of avoiding unnecessary repair bills or even personal injury,” said Warranty Direct managing director, David Gerrans.