Scania, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in the UK in 2014, reported a total of 4752 trucks registered over the past 12 months. Of these, it said approximately 80 per cent were Euro 6 models.
“Our truck registrations represent 17.3 per cent of the UK 18-tonnes-and-above market,” said Scania (GB) managing director, Claes Jacobsson. “Regarding the uptake of Euro 6, operators have been quick to embrace our new, fuel-efficient technology.” Jacobsson said Scania’s sales of parts and services, including trailer/tanker support and tail-lift and refrigerator maintenance, were also developing positively.
“During 2014, we also further developed our portfolio of operator support services, where products such as Optimise, our driver training and on-going driver coaching service, enable our customers to ensure they derive the best possible economy and maximum return on their investment.” He said sales of used vehicles and Scania Truck Rental also performed well in 2014.